Despite the fact that only four USA Florida residents have been injured in bear attacks in the past two years, a huge proportion of the bear colony will be annihilated—320 in total.
I can understand people wanting to cull a huge rogue animal—well four of them to be exact. But not decimating so many. Here in the UK, recent badger culls have been largely unsuccessful in the hope of controlling TB in cattle. I think every animal, no matter how large or small, has a right to be here.
But now, Florida is holding its first bear hunt in more than two decades, despite opposition from animal rights campaigners and lack of public support.
The state's Wildlife Conservation Commission has issued 4,000 permits for licensed hunters to shoot a total of 320 black bears with the aim of stabilising the growing number.
More than 200 bears were on target on Saturday. The hunters included a 16-year-old boy who said he fulfilled a dream when he potted an 80kg bear.
I hope the count is accurate and up to the minute, because 4,000 hunters are out to shoot them down. There'll be a lot of disappointed men out there in them there hills. I hope someone bows the whistle to halt the game of 'hunter and hunted' when the tally is reached.
This is not the image I want to see for mankind. How does that make man kind?