But did you realize when he became the emperor of France he did whatever he he thought necessary to get what he wanted? He made enemies of course. A huge number of stories were bound to appear about him.
Apart from writing a romance novel, he once walked in the footsteps of Moses.
In 1798 he and his cavalry visited the Wells of Moses during the ebb tide of the Red Sea in Syria. After walking across the dry sea bed, his curiosity was satisfied. But when he retraced his footsteps toward Egypt, darkness approached. They began to cross with the tide coming in. With the water rising, Napoleon ordered his men to form a circle around him facing out, like spokes of a wheel. Then each man rode forward until they couldn't touch the bottom, at which point they turned and followed the man closest who continued to ride on solid footing. They all escaped from the Red Sea, drenched but unharmed, nearly washed away like the pharaoh who chased Moses centuries before.
He and his retinue of loyal servants and supporters had little else to do apart from eat and drink while marooned on the south Atlantic island.
Napoleon lived like a king until his death and grew fat. Look at this daily shopping list presented to his British captors: 42 eggs, 68lb of bread, 31 bottles of Cape wine, 10 bottles of claret, three bottles of "malt liquor", three bottles of cider and a bottle of champagne. I assume he didn't eat and drink it all himself. And, he must have eaten meat as well.
This made me wonder what my husband and I would eat daily. Using Napoleon's list as a guide, ours would be: 1 egg, two slices of bread (no alcohol). Pheasant! That, of course, is subsidized with fruit, vegetables, cereal, spreads etc. nuts, and fowl or fish.
Do you live like a king? What would your daily shopping list consist of?