The pair barged into the shop with hoods up and scarves covering their faces, demanding money at about 8pm on Wednesday. When the owner threatened to ring the police unless they showed their faces, they refused and kept up their insistence for money.
But the shopkeeper, who spent eight years in the Pakistani security police as a former bodyguard to Nawaz Sharif in Pakistan, decided to stand firm against the thugs.
He pretended to reach down to hand over the cash but grabbed a metal pole stashed beneath the counter and chased the thugs of his shop.
A Detective Inspector said, "Thanks to the bravery of the victim, the suspects left empty handed. No violence was threatened or used and no one was injured during this incident. We are determined to trace those responsible." Source: the Telegraph.
Fifteen years ago, I was working as a temp in a shop in London when a man walked in with a gun and demanded money. I still remember his words. “Hand me all your money. I said all your money.”
The manager signalled to me to open the cash register and pass over the contents while he emptied the safe. We did nothing to anger him, both stunned and cooperative. He left very quickly.
When questioned by the police, we gave his description and the sequence of events, and then tried to come to terms with what happened. Dreams of the scene haunted me for weeks afterward.
I don't believe it's worth arguing with an armed man. However, I'm not a former bodyguard with skill and physical fitness on my side.
Have you ever been robbed? If not, what policy would you adopt?