Over 120,000 Dutch 55-to-69-year-old people provided dietary and lifestyle information in 1986. When Maastricht University researchers reviewed their mortality rate 10 years later, the premature mortality risk due to cancer, diabetes, respiratory and neurodegenerative diseases was lower among the nut consumers, who had a 23% lower chance of death during the 10-year observation.
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids
various vitamins
other bioactive compounds
Nuts are some of nature's finest small packages. The nutritional powerhouses are packed with heart-healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. However, don't go mad with peanut butter. There was no benefit for the spread, which is high in salt and trans fats. Of course, any nuts are harmful to your diet when paired with sugary or salty toppings or mixes. Also, avoid nuts packaged or roasted in oil; instead, eat them raw.
The researchers had taken into account the mitigating factor that nut consumers ate more fruit and vegetables and that women who ate nuts were often leaner, and adjusted the results accordingly.
Wow! I ate three almonds a day for about thirty years because of advice from the renown psychic healer Edgar Cayce about the overall benefits and cancer protection. Back in the 1940s, he spoke from a sleeping state and relatives wrote down every word he said.
We grew three almond trees in our walled orchard when we lived by the coast in Robe, South Australia in the 70s. Beautiful, graceful trees; blossom heavenly, and so productive.
Women who eat nuts are leaner! So that's why I remained slim.
And … worst of all … I've stopped eating them lately. For some reason, now I no longer work, I've lost interest in maintaining my body to a high standard. Perhaps that's the way society is geared. Elderly people are of little value in this world. Perhaps I should take a more pro-active stance with my health. My diet is good, consisting of plenty of fruit and vegetables. But, aside from taking a daily walk, and writing to keep my mind active, am I doing enough? Mmmm. I must slip into the kitchen right now to get a few almonds.