Wars spring up, soldiers destroy ancient artifacts and museums, mountains erupt, floods sweep people away and thousands of lost souls try to find safety in another land, risking their life in doing so. We need to be aware of what's happening.
Or do we? Just by reading and talking about it, we don't change anything apart from contributing money to send aid to those in need.
Today, I need to concentrate on what's happening in my own house. I'm going to accompany my husband when our wonderful neighbor takes him to an appointment with his cancer consultant. Hubby is waning. He's lost his normal appetite for food and living. My whole concentration needs to center on him today, and every day from now on. That's my reality. I can make a difference by giving him the love and support he needs, and assuring him about a future beyond death.
A motivational blogger about the mastery of the law of attraction, Kathy Hadley suggests we stop reading the news. Instead, she recommends raising our consciousness. By doing so, we influence the whole of humanity.
Do you think we need to read the daily news?