Published in Science Translation Medicine, the results showed how caffeine was more than just a stimulant and actually slowed down the body's internal clock.
Cells were grown in a dish, and then exposed to caffeine to work out how it changed their ability to keep time.
They found the drug was also able to alter the chemical clocks ticking away in every cell of the human body.
A double espresso three hours before bedtime delayed the production of the sleep hormone melatonin by about 40 minutes, making it harder to nod off.
One of the doctors said it would be "complete speculation" to set a cut-off time for drinking caffeine in the evening but he personally never drank coffee after 17:00. Source: BBC.
Black coffee affects my husband this way—he just can't drop off to sleep. On the other hand, I don't drink coffee, preferring tea in varied forms. And I never drink anything after 6 pm. Consequently, I sleep well.
And now to the revelation of a character trait judged on how a person drinks their coffee. A just-in-time-for-Halloween study revealed that people who like their coffee black are more likely to possess anti-social and psychopathic personality traits.
The study also notes that participants who reported a fondness for any bitter foods including radishes, and celery were also more likely to exhibit psychopathic traits.
But there's a bright side of drinking coffee without milk and sugar.
From the standpoint of physical health, consuming your morning coffee earns two thumbs up.
Coffee provides major proven benefits:
increased feelings of happiness,
decreased risk for some cancers,
improved brain function.
Straight black coffee-drinkers are reaping the benefits without consuming added calories and fat.
Source: Huffington Post.
I like bitter foods. Tea leaves a bitter tang on the palette and I like that, as well as celery. But I'm no psychopath.
Do you drink your coffee black? Does coffee affect your sleep or reveal your personality?