Listen to the hauntingly beautiful version of the song by Barbra Streisand, (ad. free), on YouTube. https://youtu.be/ODqj9Mq39FM
But clowns have never amused me. Perhaps children can appreciate their ridiculous appearance.
That same childhood innocence has now caused a problem in the UK. Police are seeking a suspicious clown gang after they terrified young school children in Kent. Police patrols have been stepped up, especially after the two other attempted child abductions in the area where the perpetrators were dressed normally.
The men and women clowns in question were wearing black outfits with white clown masks.
Police want to find them urgently amid fears their interest is more sinister than just a Halloween prank. School heads have issued warnings to pupils and parents. Special assemblies have been held and children have been told to go straight home after school and not to loiter anywhere. Source: Express.