Originally, I decided to wait until the last minute, when all the problems had been ironed out. But on Sunday, I received a special message. Just on a whim, I decided to go ahead and try it. I'm like that--usually very organized, but I can toss caution to the wind and change my mind at any moment. Have done so all my life.
Anyway, all went well for the first two days. I gradually explored several ways of changing the way the computer worked, altered a few passwords etc.
Then, yesterday afternoon--kaboom! It seized up. A message said:
Start menu and Cortana aren't working. We'll try and fix the problem next time you log in. Which I did again and again in the next 24 hours. I didn't panic, didn't call the computer man, didn't worry my husband who has enough on his plate at the moment.
Just now, I tried again. Bingo! It worked. So here I am, having missed out on the whole day of activities with nothing to report on the news (except personal) and no views (except: all's well that ends well.)
Have you had any problems with Windows 10?