One of the most disappointing, annoying and frustrating things of my life is the way my stomach has expanded with age.
Once, I could eat all I wanted (albeit always healthy food) and I remained slim. Even with an undiagnosed under-active thyroid, I was always slender, fit and healthy. I used to put my lean muscles down to my body burning fuel at a high metabolic rate, and living a very active life. Being a non-driver, I walked everywhere if possible and relied on public transport for the places far away.
Now, that's not possible.
The BBC News this morning announced findings from a 12-year study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition about the killing lack of exercise. Inactivity could be responsible for twice as many deaths as obesity in Europe, the study of more than 300,000 people suggests.
In the UK, the University of Cambridge researchers said about 676,000 deaths each year were down to inactivity, compared with 337,000 from carrying too much weight.
Once, I could eat all I wanted (albeit always healthy food) and I remained slim. Even with an undiagnosed under-active thyroid, I was always slender, fit and healthy. I used to put my lean muscles down to my body burning fuel at a high metabolic rate, and living a very active life. Being a non-driver, I walked everywhere if possible and relied on public transport for the places far away.
Now, that's not possible.
The BBC News this morning announced findings from a 12-year study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition about the killing lack of exercise. Inactivity could be responsible for twice as many deaths as obesity in Europe, the study of more than 300,000 people suggests.
In the UK, the University of Cambridge researchers said about 676,000 deaths each year were down to inactivity, compared with 337,000 from carrying too much weight.
Substantial benefits could be achieved if everyone did at least 20 minutes of brisk walking a day.
And there's the problem for me. After four operations on my malformed hips, resulting in one femur shattering, walking is becoming a difficult activity for me as I age. I guess, sitting at my computer for hours at a time contributes to my stiffening body. I read an article the other day about how the lower neck between the shoulder blades, and the hips, are affected by lengthy sitting at a desk.
As for the basic walking, I'm in the habit of walking every day at three. (I love routines.) My walk consists of holding onto my rollator as I struggle up a steep hill and back down the incline. I used to do 20 minutes, but this winter, I've stopped short of my normal target and turn back when the traffic goes quiet. On the busy narrow country road, I can almost feel the eyes watching me, judging me, ridiculing me. 'Oh, look. She's turning back.' Whereas if I swivel the face the other way when there is a break in traffic, nobody should notice.
Be it ridiculous, or vain, or both, that's where I let myself down. After all, I'm my biggest judge.
Experts have claimed exercise is beneficial for people of any weight, although obesity and inactivity often go hand in hand.
And so, the next question I should research is: why do most older people's waistlines expand? Is that due to inactivity?
You really need to ask yourself if you do enough exercise.
And there's the problem for me. After four operations on my malformed hips, resulting in one femur shattering, walking is becoming a difficult activity for me as I age. I guess, sitting at my computer for hours at a time contributes to my stiffening body. I read an article the other day about how the lower neck between the shoulder blades, and the hips, are affected by lengthy sitting at a desk.
As for the basic walking, I'm in the habit of walking every day at three. (I love routines.) My walk consists of holding onto my rollator as I struggle up a steep hill and back down the incline. I used to do 20 minutes, but this winter, I've stopped short of my normal target and turn back when the traffic goes quiet. On the busy narrow country road, I can almost feel the eyes watching me, judging me, ridiculing me. 'Oh, look. She's turning back.' Whereas if I swivel the face the other way when there is a break in traffic, nobody should notice.
Be it ridiculous, or vain, or both, that's where I let myself down. After all, I'm my biggest judge.
Experts have claimed exercise is beneficial for people of any weight, although obesity and inactivity often go hand in hand.
And so, the next question I should research is: why do most older people's waistlines expand? Is that due to inactivity?
You really need to ask yourself if you do enough exercise.